Greetings Floor Dealers!

Recently a floor dealer who had been on my mailing list for over two years finally joined the Inner Circle Club.  During a private coaching call I quizzed him as to what finally prompted him to take action after all this time.  He said that he had been interested in joining, and almost did several times, but up until that point he just wasn’t ready to jump in.  He read all the marketing letters, email tips, faxes and other things I sent him.  In all he probably received well over 100 communications with me between the time he opted in for my free report until he joined.  What would have happened if I’d stopped communicating with him after the first letter I sent him?  I bet you the biggest lobster in Maine he wouldn’t be a member today.

He’s not the only one to join after years of being on my list.  I launched the Inner Circle Club in October of 2007, and almost every month someone joins who has been on my list for years, some since the first year of the club.  Happens all the time.

This same thing has happened in multiple other businesses I’ve owned or been a part of.

Ask yourself this: how many times in your career has someone come into your store, left without making a buying decision, and you figured you lost them to a competitor?  Then six or twelve months later they come back and buy from you.  It turns out that they didn’t go to a competitor after all, but in reality were delayed by some unexpected financial, family or business situation, or they simply procrastinated.

Fact is, many of your prospects who leave without buying DON’T rush right over to a competitor.  But you still lose many of them to competitors during the 6-24 months between the time they visit your store for the first time and when they actually pull the trigger and make their purchase.  During those months they see your competitors’ flyers, ads, letters, websites, billboards, store signage, truck signage, etc., not to mention hearing from others in their sphere who bought from one of your competitors and had a good experience.   All of them makes them extremely vulnerable to the competition.


You stay in front of them.  Two tools for doing this are the Home Advisor newsletter (Gold & Platinum) and the e-Home Advisor (Platinum).  By subscribing delayed leads to your monthly “Home Advisor” mailings, they hear from you 12 times per year.  Every month.  With the e-Home Advisor they also hear from you every week.  Using both together adds up to over 60 contacts per year with fun, informative, entertaining, value-added communication that positions you as a Trusted Advisor, creates differentiation between you and the other dealers, and fosters total top of mind awareness.

Let’s say your prospect visits you and four other stores, then delays purchasing for a year.  Who do you think is more likely to land the sale when they are finally ready to buy?  The dealer who communicates with them 60+ times, or the dealer who ignores them?


To Tons Of Customers!
Jim Augustus Armstrong is The “Coach”

Jim Augustus Armstrong is the President of Flooring Success Systems, a program that equips dealers to double their profits, cut their work hours in half and beat the boxes! Many dealers have totally transformed their businesses and their lives for the better after joining Flooring Success Systems.
See what real, live dealers are saying!