Statistically, when buying big ticket items ($500 or more), the average consumer spends 79 days on the path-to-purchase. 85% begin their path-to-purchase online. But, 82% of the time they make the actual purchase in a brick-and-mortar store. Therefore, in order to make sure that the path ends at your store instead of a competitor’s, it’s crucial that you stay in front of your prospect throughout those 79 days.

The following is a three-step system for making this happen.

Step 1: Prospect sees an “irresistible free offer” on your website

By “irresistible!” I mean, make an offer so compelling that a total stranger is willing to give you her contact information in exchange for the information you’re giving away.

In creating that kind of offer, it’s important to understand the mindset of someone shopping for flooring. She’s excited about the prospect of getting new floors that make her home more beautiful.

She is about to invest thousands of dollars, and she doesn’t want to make a mistake, buy the wrong flooring or have to live with a decision she’ll regret. So, her excitement is combined with nervousness. That is part of the reason the path-to-purchase averages 79 days.

What if you’re the one to offer her guidance?

So, she’s researching online looking for guidance. She visits your website and sees a video or add offering her a free report where she will learn how to avoid predatory dealers and what questions to ask a dealer before purchasing. That’s a compelling offer that she is likely to opt in for if she’s in the market for flooring.

Step 2: Prospect gives her contact information in exchange for the “irresistible free offer”

You need to collect three pieces of information: name, email address and phone number. If a prospect is willing to give you all three, she has raised her hand and identified herself as a hot prospect who is very interested in buying flooring.

You can now focus more intense marketing efforts on this prospect.

Step 3: Automated 79-day drip campaign

Days 1-30

For the first 30 days, your prospect should get an email from you every two to three days. Each email should follow the 90/10 formula: 90% great content, and only 10% consisting of an invitation to purchase. That means 90% of the content is valuable, informative, welcoming, and entertaining. It should be so compelling that she’s eager to read it and looks forward to your next email.

Up to 10% of the message can consist of a special offer or invitation to purchase. You should include a deadline for the offer and an obvious, simple call to action: phone you or visit your showroom.

Within a day or two of opting in for your free offer, your prospect should get a phone call from a member of your sales team. There is one goal, and one purpose only for that call: to schedule an appointment either in your showroom or the prospect’s home.

Days 31-79

If the prospect fails to schedule an appointment or visit your showroom in the first 30 days of intensive marketing, that doesn’t mean she isn’t interested. It likely means she is still deciding which dealer to use. Therefore, it’s critically important to stay in front of her regularly throughout the remainder of the 79-day path-to-purchase. So, for days 31-79 send a weekly email. Follow the same 90/10 formula you used during the first 30 days.

By following this strategy, you give yourself a massive advantage in the path-to-purchase game. Most of your competitors will never implement a system as I’ve described. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me.


To Tons Of Customers!
Jim Augustus Armstrong is The “Coach”

Jim Augustus Armstrong is the President of Flooring Success Systems, a program that equips dealers to double their profits, cut their work hours in half and beat the boxes! Many dealers have totally transformed their businesses and their lives for the better after joining Flooring Success Systems.
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