Greetings Flooring Dealers!
Now more than ever it’s critical that you capitalize on every sales opportunity that comes your way. There are lots of places in your business that can “leak leads,” but rather than see this as bad, realize it for the opportunity that it is: an opportunity to close more sales each and every month at little cost.
The first step in plugging the leaks is to find the leaks!
Prospects become clients through a step-by-step series of contacts with your store. Any one of these steps is a potential leak, and thus a potential for increased closed sales.
Here are a just a few of the steps that a prospect walks through:
- Sees marketing piece—responds or doesn’t respond
- Visits your store—is greeted in a warm, professional manner which positions your team as trusted advisors; or they’re greeted in the same way as every other dealer, or not at all.
- Speaks with sales person—Design Audit is used (i.e. taken through a professional, well-rehearsed, presentation that separates you from all the other dealers), or it’s done poorly or not used at all
- Follow up if buying decision is not made—Shock-and-Awe campaign is used, combined with follow up phone calls from the sales person; or it’s not used and prospect is allowed to be stolen by another dealer.
- Etc., etc., etc.
That Which Gets Measured Gets Improved
So how do you tell if you’ve got a leak? The only way is to track. Track your marketing, your sales “ups,” Referral Request forms (are they getting filled out), is the installer going over the World Class Installation checklist with the client after the job and then turning it in, etc.
Let’s say that your average ticket is $3,000, and you average 50 jobs per month. If you invested the time to plug the lead leaks, what if you gained 5 extra sales per month? That’s $15,000/mo or $180,000 per year in EXTRA revenue…with ZERO marketing costs!
Worth doing? Absolutely! By investing the time to plug the “lead leaks,” you’ll not only close more sales each month, but you’ll do so at little to no cost.
To Tons Of Customers!
Jim Augustus Armstrong is The “Coach”
Jim Augustus Armstrong is the President of Flooring Success Systems, a program that equips dealers to double their profits, cut their work hours in half and beat the boxes! Many dealers have totally transformed their businesses and their lives for the better after joining Flooring Success Systems.
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