Greetings Flooring Dealers!

Get referrals from people who get your money

Joint Ventures are one of three major strategies for recession-proofing your business.  (The other two are marketing each and every month to your herd of past clients—Home Advisor Newsletter.  And having a process in place to systematically and consistently generate referrals from every job—Referral Program.)

Let’s do some quick math:

Average ticket:  $3,000

If you have 10 JV partners sending you a measly 4 referrals per year, that’s 40 jobs.

40 x $3,000 = $120,000 EXTRA per year with, perhaps, $500 in marketing costs.

Do the math for twenty JV’s.  Forty.  Fifty.  I set up referral relationships with over 60 Realtors in about 6 months.  Imagine having 60 of ANY business category sending you 4 referrals per year.

This is so powerful that I have advised Flooring Success System members to dedicate a salesperson full time to implementing my Joint Ventures module.  (I used this exact process to create over a dozen JV’s in 90 days with no cold calling.)

But let’s assume you’re short-staffed.  Make it a goal to develop one JV per month.  After a year you’ll have 12 relationships.  Using the math above that calculates out to $144,000 in extra income.  Hey…now you can bring on that extra sales person and train them to duplicate what you’ve done on a larger scale.

This is called digging “oil wells.”   As opposed to chasing oil cans like most dealers spend their entire careers doing.


To Tons Of Customers!
Jim Augustus Armstrong is The “Coach”

Jim Augustus Armstrong is the President of Flooring Success Systems, a program that equips dealers to double their profits, cut their work hours in half and beat the boxes! Many dealers have totally transformed their businesses and their lives for the better after joining Flooring Success Systems.
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