Greetings Floor Dealers!
Recently I interviewed Mike Fry the owner and founder of Fancy Fortune Cookies. Your prospects and clients associate fortune cookies with good luck, the future, and mystery. By including fortune cookies in your marketing, you tap into these strong cultural associations.
I really like working with FFC. Partly because Mike is such an enthusiastic guy and a pleasure to work with. But also because he is a true marketer…not just a vendor. He “gets” the direct response style of marketing that we all know and love.
Their cookies are also just so darned good! And they come in over 20 flavors!
They also come in GIANT size! As Mike says, “They’re as big as a baby’s head!”
AND…you can customize the message that goes inside the cookie!
During the interview we discussed lots of strategies for using fortune cookies in your marketing. Here are some highlights:
Joint ventures
What if you included a Giant fortune cookie with the introductory letter from the joint ventures module?
Think it might set you apart from all the other dealers?
Think it might cause them to remember you?
Think it might create positive associations with you and your company?
Think it might dramatically increase the odds of them wanting to JV with you?
Here are some sample fortunes for acquiring JV partners:
A profitable business relationship is in your future!
Jimbo’s Floors 530-790-3338
You’ll make a fortune by partnering with Jimbo’s Floors!
Look for my call in the next 48 business hours.
Jimbo’s Floors 530-790-3338
New profits are in your FUTURE when you
choose a better flooring company.
Call Jimbo’s Floors today to see how we have
helped the area’s top remodelers make
more money. 530-790-3338
To Tons Of Customers!
Jim Augustus Armstrong is The “Coach”
Jim Augustus Armstrong is the President of Flooring Success Systems, a program that equips dealers to double their profits, cut their work hours in half and beat the boxes! Many dealers have totally transformed their businesses and their lives for the better after joining Flooring Success Systems.
See what real, live dealers are saying!