Subject line:  This sucks

Have you ever wondered why you get such crappy results from your advertising?  Then this series is for you…

Flooring Dealers Around The Country Are Frustrated With Crappy Results From “Traditional Advertising”

This is part one of a five-part series called, “5 Reasons Why Traditional Advertising Sucks.”  Actually, there are a lot more than five, but if I were to write ALL the reasons, this installment of Launch Pad would turn into a multi-volume encyclopedia.  So we’ll just stick with the top five.

I have surveyed hundreds of floor dealers from all over North America, and I always ask them these two questions:

Question: #1 What are you doing to promote your business?

Answer that I get from virtually every dealer: Yellow pages, newspaper, radio, TV and direct mail.

Question #2: What kind of results are you getting?

Answer that I get from virtually every dealer: Crappy, lousy, frustrating, low response, waste of money.

I get the same answer from dealers who are spending $10,000, to those spending well into the six-figures each year.  I’ve spoken with dealers who have marketing budgets of $140,000 per year, and when I ask them about the results they say, “not so good.”  And here’s the real kicker: most of them are perfectly willing to continue the waste and simply “hope” that things get better!  Hello!  Anybody home????

There may have been a time (years ago) when you could do traditional advertising and do okay.  But no longer.  My ongoing surveys of flooring dealers all over the country are confirming this hard, cold truth: Traditional advertising Is Not Working.   There are many reasons for this.  Over the next four installments, we’ll explore some of the reasons why.


To Tons Of Customers!
Jim Augustus Armstrong is The “Coach”

Jim Augustus Armstrong is the President of Flooring Success Systems, a program that equips dealers to double their profits, cut their work hours in half and beat the boxes! Many dealers have totally transformed their businesses and their lives for the better after joining Flooring Success Systems.
See what real, live dealers are saying!