Greetings Floor Dealers!

The goal of the Flooring Success Systems 12-Month Total Transformation is to allow you to double your income and take at least an extra day off of work.  But with all the day-to-day stuff that goes on in running a flooring store, it’s easy to lose sight of that.  With that in mind, here are 4 tips to keep your mind focused like a laser beam on your goals.

1.  Realize that winning the business game is  95% mental.
Do you believe you can achieve your goals?   Do you truly believe that you can transform your business into your Ideal Business and live your Ideal Lifestyle?  If you have trouble believing this, just look around at other successful floor dealers and business owners who have achieved great financial success and the autonomy to enjoy it.  Then say to yourself, “If they can do it, so can I!

The fact is, with the right coaching, the right knowledge, and a step-by-step plan, you can reach the goals that got you into the flooring business in the first place.  And that leads us to our next point:

2. Knowledge + Action = Power
You already know how to do all the day-to-day tasks that go into running your store, and you’re already very good at those tasks.  So why aren’t you experiencing the income and the freedom you want right now?  It’s because up until now you lacked the knowledge on how to set up your business so you could experience those things.  And that knowledge is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the knowledge required to accomplish the day-to-day tasks in your business.

As an Inner Circle Member, you have been, and will continue to be, exposed to the knowledge you need to create your Ideal Business and Lifestyle.  However, that old saying, “knowledge is power” is only half true.  Only knowledge combined with action equals power.  We can help you with the knowledge, we can even give you direction on the most efficient way to take action, but ONLY YOU can actually take action.  These systems and strategies you are learning won’t leap off the pages of the manuals and implement themselves: YOU have to implement them.  Which leads to our next point:

3. Tiny, incremental changes made every day will yield transformational results in 12 months.
You don’t have to transform your business all at once!  In fact, you should absolutely, positively not even try to do it all at once.  Transformational change takes time.  We’re all at different places in our businesses and our lives, and it’s critical that you allow yourself the time to make those internal and external changes necessary for success.  Set reasonable goals for implementing specific strategies and systems each month.  Then make sure that each day you accomplish one or two things that move you closer to that goal.

4. Begin with the end in mind
It’s not enough to just blindly pursue a goal of “more time off,” or “more money.”  It’s too vague.  Write down very specific, concrete goals that you want to achieve in your business and life in the next year.

What’s the big payoff for you when you reach your 12-month goals?  Double your net income?  Work only Monday through Thursday?  What do you want your typical week to look like in 12 months?  Write out a detailed, one-week schedule—Monday through Sunday—of the time you will be working, and the time you will have off.  Fill in the “at work” times ONLY with the specific tasks that you WANT to be doing in 12 months.  Fill in the “time off” times with the things you would like to be doing then.  Start a band,  take martial arts with your kids, write a book, travel…be very, very specific.  Creating a clear, precise, mental picture allows your mind to stay focused.

By following these “success mindset” tips, you can insure that your business and your life will be transformed.


To Tons Of Customers!
Jim Augustus Armstrong is The “Coach”

Jim Augustus Armstrong is the President of Flooring Success Systems, a program that equips dealers to double their profits, cut their work hours in half and beat the boxes! Many dealers have totally transformed their businesses and their lives for the better after joining Flooring Success Systems.
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