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    15 Customer-Getting Strategies

    There was once a chiropractor who built up a million-dollar-per-year practice.  He sold his business, and quickly built another million-dollar practice.  Then he did it a third time.  Obviously, this man had a system for building successful chiropractic practices.  So, he began to host seminars teaching other chiropractors how to grow their businesses.  After almost [...]

    By |2019-10-30T14:09:29-06:00November 21st, 2019|

      How Should I Prioritize My Marketing?

      “I want to market my business, but I’m not sure where to start,” the dealer from Arizona told me during a coaching call.“What would you recommend I begin with?” “What are you currently doing?” I replied. “Besides our website, we post pretty regularly on social media, we buy leads from Home Advisor, and we spend [...]

      By |2019-07-20T15:09:05-06:00August 15th, 2019|

        Are You Answering The Unspoken Question?

        “Our close ratio is only 15%,” the dealer from Florida told me.  “Our sales team is wasting a ton of time with people who wind up not buying.” “It sounds like you’re not answering your prospects’ unspoken question,” I replied. “Unspoken question?  What's that?” he asked. When I bring up the unspoken question, most dealers [...]

        By |2019-07-20T15:31:08-06:00August 1st, 2019|

        Winning the Path-To-Purchase Game – Part 1 of 2

        In 2016 Synchrony Financial did a Major Purchase study that focused on the path-to-purchase consumers take when they buy big-ticket items. (Big ticket is defined as $500 or more.) 85% of consumers begin their path-to-purchase online. 70% then visit a brick-and-mortar store. 82% make their purchase in the store. According to GE Financial, this entire [...]

        By |2019-02-12T15:57:50-07:00August 16th, 2018|

        The Power of Social Proof

        “Wow,” I thought to myself. “If I ever need tax help I’m calling this guy.” I was in the waiting room of a local CPA, looking through a very plain, white binder filled with letters from his clients thanking him for getting them out of tax trouble. They raved about how he got their tax [...]

        By |2019-02-12T16:02:23-07:00March 29th, 2018|

          How To Eliminate The “Feast Or Famine” Cycle – Part 3 of 3

          “My revenue increased by 50% last year, and this year it increased by another 50%.” Craig Bendele from Florida was speaking to a group of dealers during one of my training webinars, and we were discussing the strategies he used to grow his revenue. (I covered some of those strategies in Part 2 of this series.) [...]

          By |2019-02-12T16:13:26-07:00March 23rd, 2017|

            How To Eliminate The “Feast Or Famine” Cycle, Part 2 of 3

            Most dealers don’t have an ongoing, dependable marketing system in place to create a predictable stream of customers, to even out the seasonal ups and downs, and to bullet-proof their business against market fluctuations. The radio ad rep calls and says, “We’re having a special this month on ad space.” The dealer figures it’s too [...]

            By |2019-02-12T16:13:36-07:00March 9th, 2017|

              How To Eliminate The “Feast Or Famine” Cycle, Part 1 of 3

              Does this sound familiar? Business is slow, so you launch advertising campaigns and promotions, and work your tail off, hustling to get more business in your door. The next thing you know you’re so swamped you can’t keep up with the orders. So, you stop doing the things that brought in the business because you’re [...]

              By |2019-02-12T16:13:49-07:00February 23rd, 2017|

              How To Magnetically Attract Big, Profitable Sales-Part 2 of 2

              As I covered in Part 1, the vast majority of sales in the $20,000 range and above don’t come from advertising. They come from repeat customers and their referrals. In this installment, we continue with strategies and principles for magnetically attracting high-end, high-margin sales. Marketing to your past customers. Over the years you’ve most likely [...]

              By |2019-02-12T16:20:28-07:00December 8th, 2016|