Join The New “Market Dominator” Program

The proven “done-for-you” program for generating a consistent flow of the best customers using the integrated BEFORE, DURING and AFTER system

Program details


  • 5-Star Review System
  • Ultimate online customer capture system
  • Facebook Customer Generator


  • Design Audit sales system


  • Neighborhood Advisor past customer marketing system
  • Referral Connections (referral generator)


A proven game plan that dealers across the U.S. and Canada have used to take control of their business and get the fantastic life they deserve. You’ll gain the freedom to take every Friday off, work less than 35 hours per week, golf 3 times per week, or whatever YOUR ideal lifestyle is. Includes video training and workbook.


  • Monthly “Make More, Work Less” webinars 
  • Our team of floor marketing experts.
  • Your personal marketing concierge.
  • Members’ only site access
  • Subscription to FSS news
  • Ideal Business, Ideal Lifestyle newsletter

Your Investment Is Only:

$1,997 set up, then $997/mo.!

Contact Us

If you have any issues joining Flooring Success Systems, or any questions, please reach out and we’ll help get you set up!


Jim Augustus Armstrong is the President of Flooring Success Systems, the Marketing Mastery Columnist for FCNews, he’s a member of the WFCA, and has spoken at major flooring industry events

What Floor Dealers Are Saying About Us

Brent, UT

“During my first full year as a member I made over $250,000 in extra income using just one of Jim’s strategies! And that was during a slow economy. Using another strategy I made $40,000 from one job. We constantly get positive feedback from our customers, as well generating additional revenue from referrals. It really creates a sense of family between my store and our customers.”

Dan, MT

“Costa Rica! Blended drinks on the beach with my Bride of 25 plus years, Carolyn. We had a blast! Jim, thanks for the motivation to let our store work for us rather than us working for the store.”

Russ, UT

“To be able to put somebody into a system takes a lot of pressure off of me from needing to teach them everything about how to close a sale. The tools are there for them to be able to do that with the Design Audit. Hiring a new salesperson is always kind of scary. You can bring in a good person, but put them into a bad sales system, and they may not last very long. But you can bring a mediocre person in and put them in the right system, and even they can be successful. We’re also getting higher margins by using the Design Audit. So even though we cut all our old advertising, our net profits have literally tripled.”