Get A Proven, Simple,
Cost-Effective System To Get
More Flooring Customers

Video reveals how we equip you to INEXEPENSIVELY attract lots of customers, close more sales, and get higher margins

“How Do I Get More Flooring Customers?”

Dear Floor Dealer,

Hi, Jim Armstrong here. I’m assuming that you’re on this page because you’re interested in:

  1. Getting more customers, or
  2. Getting higher margins, or
  3. Getting more control of your business so you can reduce your stress and work the hours you choose.

Or all the above. 🙂

My team and I can help make that happen for you. Since 2007 we’ve done it for hundreds of dealers. You can see some of their stories and the results they’re getting on this page. Some of their results are pretty amazing.

For example, check out these floor dealer video comments…

Increased margins from 25% to 60%

Increased profits by 5x

Revenue tripled

Jim’s systems provide exponential growth

Increased margins from 25% to 60%

Increased profits by 5x

Revenue tripled

Jim’s systems provide exponential growth

There are many more floor dealer success stories at the bottom of this page.

Why We Don’t Sell “Silver Bullets”

There’s no single, magic “silver bullet” that will produce results like the ones you’re seeing on this page.

It won’t happen by simply putting out a Google Ad, or getting a fancier website, or having a “presence” on social media, or buying leads from online lead companies.

The only way to get these kinds of results is to put a system of the right strategies in place, each working together and reinforcing one another.

That’s what we do at Flooring Success Systems: put systems in place for floor dealers. (It’s why “Systems” is in our name.) And these systems produce great results…sometimes damned amazing results.

We don’t sell silver bullets….because silver bullets are a myth. But I have a feeling that you already know that. If you’re like most dealers you’ve had an endless parade of “advertising experts” try to convince you that if you just sign up for their online lead service, or buy their social media ad campaign, or upgrade your website, or advertise on their radio station, or, or, or, or…that you’ll get tons of customers.

You may have found out first hand (after spending thousands of dollars) that buying their “silver bullet” didn’t work out the way they promised.

So, we don’t sell silver bullets. We provide systems for floor dealers which…

  • Generate a steady stream of high-quality customers, simply and cost-effectively
  • Produce margins of 45%-50%, and sometimes higher
  • Increase referrals
  • Increase close ratios
  • Reduce stress, and allow dealers to work the hours they choose

But here’s the catch: our marketing systems are not the copy-cat, “me-too” advertising used by most dealers and promoted by most advertising companies. They are radically different than virtually everything else in our industry.

That’s why I need to tell you something up front…

We’re Going To Make Sure Flooring Success Systems
Is The Right Fit For Your Business BEFORE You Join

Why? Because our methodology is different. It’s different than what you see your competitors doing. It’s different than what your colleagues are doing. It’s different than what you hear in most flooring seminars and webinars, and read in most industry articles.

And this difference is exactly why our members get the results you’ve seen.

But here’s the rub: some dealers are so afraid of “different” that they would rather stay stuck in their rut than try anything new. I’ve found out the hard way that dealers who are afraid to try anything different—or who aren’t willing to put in any effort—don’t do well in FSS. It winds up being a big waste of everybody’s time.

And that’s why we have an application process for all new members, which includes watching the video at the top of this page. This is to help make sure ahead of time you understand our unique methodology, and that FSS will be the right fit for you and your company. (More about how to apply in a minute.)

Right now, let’s take a look at what you get as an FSS member…

An Abbreviated List Of Everything Included In Your Flooring Success
Systems Membership

We help you accomplish two big transformations in your business: 1) Make more money, and 2) Work the hours you choose.

First, let’s look at the “make more money” part of the program.

Core 3 Modules

“Core 3” is the name of the Tier 1 marketing strategies we implement for you. (The Tier 1 concept and how it will transform your marketing results are explained in the video at the top of the page.) We call them the Core 3 because they are the foundation for growing your business in this radically different way.

In fact, the Core 3 strategies are responsible for all of the business growth success stories on this page.

Core 3 Module #1: Neighborhood AdvisorTM past customer marketing system

This is our proprietary past customer communication system which uses the 90/10 formula. 90/10 means 90% fun, informative, welcome, entertaining content, with only 10% being about flooring. The 90/10 formula enables you to stay in front of your customers week after week, and have them eager to receive your communications. It makes them want to open, read and respond to your messages.

The Neighborhood Advisor increases your repeat business, generates more referrals, totally differentiates you from competitors, and positions your store as the obvious choice. As an FSS member you’ll get access to the training which explains the science behind why the 90/10 formula works. But science aside, the important thing is it generates results. (See the testimonials on this page.)

What’s Included: A monthly printed customer newsletter which we write and customize to your business FOR you. After you approve it, we print it and mail it to your list of past customers FOR you. It also includes a weekly email newsletter which we also write and customize FOR you. Then after you approve it, we email it to your list of customers FOR you.

Check out what Dan had to say about the Neighborhood Advisor…

“Jim, I replaced all my advertising with the Neighborhood Advisor newsletter and I’m busier than ever. Plus, it attracts a higher quality customer. My residential margins are at 45%, and I just did a $120,000 job commercial job with 50% margins. When my customers move, they give me their forwarding address so I can keep sending them the Neighborhood Advisor. None of my other advertising did this. Thanks, Jim.”

-Dan Ginnaty, Owner, GT Flooring, MT

When Dan’s customer move, they give Dan their forwarding address so they can keep getting the newsletter. Think about that for a minute. The last time you moved did you call all the companies sending you junk-mail and give them your forwarding address? No way. But it regularly happens to our members who are sending out the Neighborhood Advisor. Dan’s just one of many dealers who have had this happen.

Core 3 Module #2: Design AuditTM selling system

The Design Audit is a step-by-step sales process that covers the entire sale from what to say to walk-ins in the first 30 seconds to “lock in the sale,” to the in-store experience, to the in-home measure, to closing the sale. It includes over 21 trust-builders to help quickly establish trust and rapport with your customers, make you the obvious choice, and help you close more sales.


  • Gives you and your team total control of the sales process
  • Creates complete differentiation from competitors
  • Positions you and your team as trusted advisors
  • Increases your closed sales
  • Helps you command high margins
  • Ramps up newbie sales people quickly by giving them a guide to follow

What’s Included: Design Audit forms, scripts for success, tools for closing in the home, video training, and live webinar training.

Check out what Daniel (right), a sales person from Utah, had to say about the Design Audit…

“I started only six months ago in the flooring business. I’m very green. Before using the Design Audit my residential margins were 30%-35%. It was emotionally stressful. I’d end the day, be totally exhausted, and realize I hadn’t closed any sales. It was discouraging. We’re right down the street from two home stores. People would come in and say, ‘Lowe’s quoted me this price,’ or ‘Home Depot quoted me such and such.’ I was constantly having to compete on price. I started using the Design Audit just a couple of months ago. I closed the first seven out of seven people that I used the Design Audit on. Since then my overall close ratio has been higher than ever. Our residential margins are now averaging 40%.”

-Daniel Knigge, Sales Person for Bundy’s Flooring, Utah (Photo left: Russ Bundy, Owner)

Core 3 Module #3: Referral ConnectionsTM referral marketing system

This system is designed to dramatically increase the number of referrals you’re currently getting. It does this in a couple of ways:

First, it equips you and your sales team to generate immediate referrals after you complete each installation.

Second, it generates ongoing referrals from your customers in-between sales. For example, let’s say you have a list of 1,000 past customers. Each of them knows at least 100 people. That’s 100,000 potential customers represented in your list. This system taps into that larger list, and grows your referral business.

What’s Included: Referral marketing forms, online referral portal, referral letter and gift certificate, and video training for your sales team.

Check out what David had to say about the Referral Connections system…

“Soon after joining Flooring Success Systems, I implemented Jim’s Referral Connections program and made an extra $90,463.00 in one month! And I did it during a slow economy!”

-David Kocian, Guarantee Carpet, Corpus Christi, TX

Now Let’s Cover The “Work The Hours You Choose”
Part Of Your FSS Membership

This aspect of Flooring Success Systems training is specifically for dealers who feel like their business has too much control, and/or need relief from stress and overwork. If that does not describe you, obviously you won’t need to take advantage of this member benefit. However some dealers who initially thought they didn’t really need this training found that it helped them create greater efficiency in their business. That’s something everyone wants. 🙂

Ideal Business, Ideal Lifestyle Blueprint

This is a step-by-step process for taking control of your business so you can work the hours you choose and reduce stress. This process is what has enabled the dealers on this page to take vacations, work less than 40 hours a week, have fun in their business again, etc.

So, what exciting changes would you like to make in your business? Take every Friday off to golf? Work less than 35 hours per week? Take two-week vacations several times a year? Coach your kid’s sports team? Spend time traveling with your spouse?

These are all things our members have accomplished by using the Ideal Business, Ideal Lifestyle Blueprint. And you’ll be equipped to do the same thing.

What’s Included: Video training, workbook, live webinars.

Check out what Jay had to say…

“I’ve cut my workhours so I can take weekends off. Also, my wife and I went on vacation to Cabo. It was our first vacation in years. The stress relief is unbelievable.”

-Jay Robinson, Owner, Sotheby Floors, VA

If the Core 3 and the Ideal Business, Ideal Lifestyle Blueprint were all that you got, FSS would be a fantastic program. But I want to make sure you knock it outta the park! My team and will come alongside you, partner with you, and walk with you on your journey to your whole new life in the flooring business.

That’s why I created our coaching and support program. Here’s what’s included:

Ongoing Coaching & Support

  1. A Fast Implementation Session with your personal floor marketing Concierge. This is to start the process of getting the Core 3 implemented into your business FAST.
  2. A 30-min. private coaching call with Jim. This is to make sure you’re on track to meet your goals, and that you are getting maximum value out of your membership.
  3. Your own personal Marketing Concierge. Your Concierge will set up all of the newsletters, emails, marketing pieces, Design Audit forms and online software in the Core 3 program. (one time)
  4. Ongoing marketing management. Your marketing Concierge will manage the ongoing writing, customizing, printing, mailing and emailing of all newsletters, emails, and referral marketing pieces in the Core 3 program. (Weekly)
  5. Monthly Make More Work Less webinars. During these member’s only webinars, I provide coaching/training on a strategy to help you make more money while working the hours you choose. You also get to ask me questions.
  6. Monthly Live Call-in Hour. These are held via teleconference. I spend the first 15 minutes covering a business-building topic, then I open up the lines for discussion. We’ll discuss anything you and the other members bring to the table. Do you have a business challenge that’s driving you nuts? A success you want to share? A problem you’d like solved? Bring it on and we’ll all discuss it together! Sometimes these turn into brainstorming sessions, with dealers from all over the country coming up with breakthrough strategies and solutions to sticky problems.
  7. Instant Access to the Members Only Site. Contains the video training on the Design Audit and Referral Connections system, as well as marketing pieces and business-building resources. We also provide replays of past webinars in case you miss one.
  8. Monthly Ideal Business, Ideal Lifestyle coaching newsletter and weekly e-newsletter. You’ll see case studies of other FSS members, what’s working now, success articles, and new strategies.

Bottom line: You are NOT alone anymore!

The REAL Value Is In The Transformation You’ll Experience

As you can see, when you join you’ll get a ton of coaching, training and support. However, the real value is in the transformation you’ll experience in your business and your life, just like the other dealers I’ve worked with. You’ll grow your profits, AND you’ll do so in such a way that you’ll work less, not more. You’ll gain the time and freedom to have a GREAT lifestyle. You work hard. You deserve it.

“Sounds Good, Jim. What’s The Cost?”

Our Regular Price: a one-time set up fee of $1,497, then $497/mo. A handful of extra sales each year that you wouldn’t have already gotten totally pays for your membership. However, it should be obvious that we’re talking about adding dozens of sales each month. That makes this price an absolute steal.

BUT…You Won’t Even Pay That Much

If you join by the DEADLINE IN RED on the fast response form or email we sent you, I’ll knock $500 off your enrollment fee.

So, your *Investment Is Only $997 set up, then $497/month. (*NOTE: Fees include licensing to use FSS materials at 1 store location. If you would like licensing for multiple store locations, contact us for pricing at 1-877-887-5791)

2 Reasons To Apply Now:

First, why wait? Every day that goes by without this system in your possession, working for you, is money NOT going into your bank account.

Second, you’ll lose the $500 discount.

The Most Radical Guarantee In The Flooring Industry

60-Day, Zero-Risk, Money-Back Guarantee

Most dealers love the program and want to stay in. But if you don’t think our system is worth ten times what you’ve paid, just send us an email in the first 60 days letting us know and we’ll refund your enrollment fee and cancel your membership.

Try asking any advertising company, “Hey, if this thing you’re selling me doesn’t work, do I get a refund?” They’ll laugh in your face and say, “No way.” They know they’d go broke offering a money-back guarantee and they know it.

No Contracts…Membership Is Month-To-Month

Even after 60 days you can cancel at any time with a simple email. Try getting THAT deal three months into a year-long contract with a radio station for ads that aren’t working.

So how can we offer such a powerful guarantee, and not require a 12-month contract? We couldn’t unless we were 100% confident in the quality of this program. We are confident. The results speak for themselves.

How To Apply For Membership

Our methodology is very different than what most dealers are doing.

And this difference is exactly why our members get the successes you’ve seen.

So, you need to be okay with trying strategies that may be different than anything you’ve done or seen before.

For these reasons I want to make sure Flooring Success Systems is going to be the right fit for you and your company. So, we have a two-step application process. All decision makers in your business must complete both steps.

Step 1

Watch the video at the top of this page. It gives an overview of our methodology, why it’s different, and why it works.

Step 2

Participate in a Dealership Diagnostic. You (and any other decision makers in your business) will meet with me by phone for a 1-hour Dealership Diagnostic.

First, I want to learn about where your business is right now. Its strengths and weaknesses, and where you need help the most.

Then we’ll discuss where you’d like to be, your goals, and what improvements you’d like to make. I’ll also answer any questions you have about FSS.

Then we’ll determine together if FSS is the right choice to help you reach your goals. If it doesn’t look like we’re the best choice for your situation, I’ll be straight with you and tell you, and we’ll go our separate ways as friends.

However, if we both decide FSS is the right fit, we’ll enroll you as a new member right then, and schedule your fast implementation call.

Acceptance into FSS is NOT dependent on your current level of success. It doesn’t matter if you have a large business, or if you’re a small mom-n-pop shop, or if you’re currently struggling, or if you have 1 location or 10.

Here are the two main qualifications for membership in FSS:

  1. That you are willing put in some effort each month to reach your goals.
  2. That you are willing to implement customer-generating strategies that may be different
    than what you’re used to in order to get dramatically better results.

If you can say yes to those two things, Flooring Success Systems will be a good fit.

How To Get Started Right Now:
Call Us To Schedule Your Dealership Diagnostic

Call our office at 877-887-5791 and a member of my team will schedule your Dealership Diagnostic with me.

IMPORTANT: To get the $500 discount, you must call to schedule your Diagnostic before the DEADLINE IN RED on the Fast Response Form we mailed you, or in the email we sent you.

Questions? If you have any questions about our program feel free to call our offices at any time. 877-887-5791.

I’m looking forward to meeting with you, and partnering with you on your journey to your whole new life in the flooring business.

Jim Augustus Armstrong
President, Flooring Success Systems

A Message From Scott Humphrey, CEO of the World Floor Covering Association

There are major challenges facing our industry, not least of which are big box retailers taking market share from independent dealers. There are also incredible opportunities for retailers who are willing to adapt and learn new methods for attracting and keeping customers. Jim has dedicated his career to helping dealers do just that. And Jim has been there to help them thrive and prosper in the 21st Century. This is also my mission, and the reason I joined the WFCA as its CEO. With Jim I have another colleague who is with me on the front lines, equipping retailers to fight the good fight, succeed and prosper.

In our industry there are those who are only concerned with themselves and their own success, and those who are truly interested in helping our industry and giving back. I am happy to say that Jim is one of the latter.

Scott Humphrey
CEO, World Floor Covering Association

What Floor Dealers Are Saying

Matt with a nice catch! His business continues to run like a well-oiled machine even when he’s out on the boat.

“Jim Armstrong, founder of Flooring Success Systems is a very talented…coach, trainer, and teacher. He understands key components of marketing and what it takes to help flooring dealers succeed in turbulent waters where “big box” stores constantly bombard the public with false claims and misleading advertising which causes strain on the local flooring dealer. Jim’s marketing system is the secret sauce to help flooring dealers succeed not only with their marketing, but in all aspects of their flooring business. I highly recommend Jim Armstrong, if you want to have a better flooring business, where you get a steady stream of referrals, happy thriving customers, and where you can lock in your customers from other dealers. The extra money that comes from implementing his systems too is a nice side effect of teaming up with him as well. He also teaches you techniques and helps you structure your flooring business so you can make money while on vacation as well. My company’s gross sales went up 20.4% in 2015, and I plan on that being even better in 2016! Thanks, Jim for all your help and coaching!”

-Matt Cappell, Cappell Flooring & Interiors, ID

“I highly recommend Jim’s training. It’s the best thing we’ve done for our company in 15 years.”

-Barry Lindgren, Puyallup Flooring, WA

“Listening to Jim’s audio training, I’ve been able to really narrow my focus and have seen the benefit. With what I consider a half-effort, in the last 4 months my margins have gone from 32% to 40%! A customer recently told one of my sales team that we are $1,000 higher than our competitor, but that the peace of mind we offer is more important than the money. We still got the sale!”

-Scott Bradley, Columbia Carpet, MO

Scott Perron, Jim Armstrong, Sally Perron at an FSS member event.

“Sally and I just wanted to take the time to thank you both (Jim & Jolyn) for helping us with implementing Flooring Success Systems into our business. We feel like we have known you guys for many years and truly look forward to building a business in tandem. Please let me know how I can be of further value to you both and I look forward to the results of our efforts. All the best,”

-Scott D. Perron, 24-7 Floors, Floors 4 Pros, FL

“Hey Jim, I’m happy to say that we are embracing your program. The Design Audit was a process we did verbally for years. By having it on paper, it has really formalized the procedure. Second, a referral program was always on the list of “To Do’s” but we never got around to it. Your system has allowed us to move forward with that goal. Lastly, the Neighborhood Advisor filled the need of a monthly newsletter that none of us had a chance to organize. We always knew that we should stay in contact with our customers but never could find a program that had it 95% completed for us. I hesitated joining the club for months and I’m really glad I did! We are still learning, but we really are finding the program easy to implement. Your system fit right in with our business philosophy. We are looking forward to many more successful months with your program.”

-Buddy Prete, Owner, Ultimate Interiors, Inc. Milford, CT

“We are doing amazing thanks in large part to the information I have learned through Flooring Success Systems. I’ve only owned my flooring business for less than two years now and I just paid it off. The most valuable thing I’ve learned was surprising to me, but maybe not to you. You attract a certain kind of fish based on the bait you use. By setting ourselves apart and not making price the bait to attract customers, we’ve seen a positive change in our clientele and are consistently getting 40%+ margins. Contrast that to the largest dealer in town (doing 3-4 times the amount of business we are) who I’ve heard through the grapevine is on credit hold with half his suppliers. because he’s the king of the cheap price rat race. Thanks!”

-Russ Bundy, Bundy’s Flooring, Logan, UT

“Thanks so much Jim. Your program is bigger than just flooring. It is life changing!”

-Craig B., Fort Meyers, FL

“I’m taking weekends off to travel with my wife…it’s finally happening for me.”

-Curt Bowler, MT

“I’m working less than 30 hours per week, revenue is up 50%…business is fun again.”

-Earl Swalm, SK

“Our revenue is up 79.3% over last year. Thanks, Jim!”

-Mike Phoenix, Owner, Floor Décor, CT

“Within two years I went from nearly closing my doors to opening a second store.”

-Garry Combs, Owner, Garry’s Ultimate Flooring, IL

“Jim, since joining Flooring Success Systems I have hope for the first time in 10 years. I’ve never seen anything like this in 35 years in this business. The cool thing is this just works. This is so ingenious, I’ve never heard of anything like this. It’s totally opposite of anything you’ll find in the entire industry. It’s going to eliminate about $8,000 per month in advertising per month. I’ve been a member for less than 2 months we’re already seeing results. Have had 3 Connect Letter sales, 3-4 referrals.”

-John Bickerstaff, Reedy Flooring, FL

“We are very grateful for … everything Jim’s marketing procedures have done to help us take those philosophies we already were practicing and implement them in a focused, manageable way to be marketed to our customers! With sincere appreciation,
Kris Miller, Bus./Store Mgr., Factory Carpet Outlet, NC

“Thanks Jim, I made all of the changes you suggested. Also, you should know that the systems I have put in place, which I learned from Flooring Success Systems, gave me the time and focus to be able to see this opportunity. Instead of “putting out fires” or doing all of that “other stuff”, I have more time to think and work on my business, instead of in it.”

Thank you,
Craig B., Fort Meyers, FL

A little background on this photo. After sending me this photo and note, Dan told me that this was basically his second honeymoon. He credits the FSS training with helping him to set up his business so he could take this vacation, his first in eight years. He now takes regular vacations because his store works for him, not the other way around. -Jim

“Jim, blended drinks on the beach with my Bride of 25 plus years, Carolyn. I was made for the tropics but unfortunately my skin was not. On the booze, whoops, I mean Sunset Cruise, aboard a catamaran. Food, sun, snorkeling, rum punch and cervesa. All in all we had a blast. Thanks for the motivation to let our store work for us rather than us working for the store.”

-Dan Ginnaty, GT Flooring, MT

“Jim, I want to thank you for all your help. I have learned so much about marketing my business with using your systems and will be forever grateful for opening my eyes to running my business at a profit, and to the outrageous marketing ideas that you have. Thank you again for being a great coach, keep up the good work. I wish you the best.”

-Garry Combs, Garry’s Ultimate Flooring, IL

“Jim, we’ve only been in Flooring Success Systems for a month, and we’re already making sales from your Referral Program. Our clients love the program and we’re getting really positive feedback! We’re also getting a 5%-10% response off the Connect Campaign, which is incredible! And we’ve only scratched the surface! Your program is a prescription for success. There’s nothing else like it in the flooring industry.”

-Alan Miskunas, Bolton Flooring Center, CT

“In the 1st quarter I increased my revenue by 64% year over year, and at the same time cut my advertising expenses by 41%.”

-Craig, Fort Meyers, FL

“Jim, I just wanted you to know that had I not joined AND PUT IT ON A CREDIT CARD, I would have been a statistic. But with the growth of the retail side we have been able to carry these massive jobs. I believe you were a Godsend. I wish nothing but the best for you and yours Jim. God bless You my Friend,”

Mark Bouquet Sr., Creative Carpet & Flooring, IL

P.S. I am going to make a prediction that we will do 4 to 5 million this coming year!

“Jim & Jolyn, Happy Anniversary! In the mail this morning I received a cut out from the Oct. Neighborhood Advisor that the customer sent in. The story was about art and they colored the picture then, sent it with a note. Interesting how people receive the message. Also, today I received an email from an interfaith non-profit asking about placing notices in our Neighborhood Advisor. They were referred by a customer that had purchased a large home full of expensive carpeting. So even in the middle of the month we have people using/discussing our newsletter. Marketing Materials with Shelf Life! Isn’t that the Holy Grail of the advertising industry?”

-Dan Ginnaty, Owner, GT Flooring, MT

“I have been in business since January 2000 which I bought the store from my Step-Father-in-law. My business did all right as long as I was putting in the hours. My wife, Christine, is not involved at all in the business and as a result of the longer hours my family life had suffered. I have three children: 13, 9, and 6 year old at home and I felt I was missing their upbringing.

Three years ago I joined Jim’s program and implemented the CORE 3 initiatives and started to time block my weeks to include owner’s tasks and marketing. I don’t work any weekends now. Last night my wife said, “Thank you” to me because I was able to spend the entire long weekend (Canadian Thanksgiving Saturday,Sunday, & Monday) with friends and family.

I feel that Jim & Jolyn Armstrong care, and realize that the strength of the program is with connecting with other dealers who are living the same day in and day out grind. We all are working in a great industry, but it can control you and you need to learn how to control it. Flooring Success Systems is a valuable part of my business to keep me on track to balance lifestyle vs. business as life.”

-Earl Swalm, SK

About Jim Augustus Armstrong

Jim is an internationally known coach and trainer for floor dealers, and the President and Founder of Flooring Success Systems. He’s the author of three flooring industry books, including How Floor Dealers Can Beat the Boxes. Since 2013 he’s been the Marketing Mastery Columnist for FCNews, and he produces and co-hosts the FCNews Marketing Mastery Webinars. Jim is a member of the WFCA, and has spoken at major flooring industry events such as TISE (Surfaces) and Coverings. Jim enjoys flyfishing, playing guitar, recording music, and traveling with his wife-and-business-partner, Jolyn.